Sound Bath Therapy program for Seniors

Sound Bath Therapy for Seniors  is a meditate non invasive form of therapy  via sound and frequency achieve with the sounds of instruments of choice by the practitioner that do deliver the sound and frequency that promotes a state of uplifting and a peaceful sense of wellbeing.  Science has discover that the human body has what is called a Biofield that just like a musical instrument is in need to be tune in order for the nervous system to maintain a state of balance and the body to experience a sense of wellbeing. this Biofield state of balance can get disrupted by elements like stress, traumas of, Sadness, loneliness  to mention a few I created this program when I live the experience of seeing how my own mother suffering from Parkinson and dementia as she was relocated to an assisted senior facility was in need of an approach that will not only uplift her emotional self but will help her quality of life while adjusting to a new reality.   .  When the Biofield  natural state is alter the nervous system also is affected creating an experience of unbalance manifested in our body in a form of anxiety, insomnia and in some cases high blood pressure. When the Bio field is tune the autoimmune system is active our organs are in sync with the natural rhythm of our mental and emotional self. creating a sense of well being and harmony.  to learn more about the Science behind sound bath watch the below video. to experience, any of the modalities offer in this website  use the Book Your Therapy Today link. below and fill the Therapy assessment form found under the forms link, Thank you. Important Note : You must disclose to the Therapist practitioner before your session the following,  if you are pregnant, have a pace maker or suffer from epileptic symptoms or conditions.  Frequency, sounds  instruments and techniques can affect or trigger The Sound Bath Therapy for Seniors are executed as a group Session and residents can benefit from 45 minutes of sounds and mindfulness relaxation that will help reduce the stress and the Anxiety of being away from home and loves ones. These sessions can help also with improving sleep, increase of focus and clarity. Some of the sounds create by the instruments can promote a sense of calm, and happiness. Some observe that this therapy style help Seniors with Alzheimer's by reducing agitation, and improving mood. these sounds and frequencies are known to help release Endorphin in the body and helping Seniors with discomfort.  A 45 minutes to an hour of weekly sessions could provide Seniors residents with increase of clarity and cognition, boosting alertness improving appetite levels while reducing agitation and fostering Emotional & social Wellbeing.  As I have tried to demonstrate here, by harnessing the healing properties of sound we can offer Senior residents an opportunity to experience a none-invasive method to a better quality of life that promotes a sense of wellbeing. tTo schedule a complementary  group session at your facility reach out today via email in the below link or contact me @ 404-690-5036       

 the conditions mentioned here.   


Watch this informative video courtesy of WSJ 



Book your Therapy Today





9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



