How I did survive and recover from a deadly Brain Hemorrhage Stroke

On December 4, 2023, my life took an unexpected turn and became a journey. That has challenged my beliefs and inner strength to the core. I was rushed to the Emergency Room of my local hospital after experiencing STroke symptoms. I was at home getting ready to meet my Fiancee's family with my teenage daughter, and  I suddenly started having trouble making my TV work with the remote.  I remember thinking oh great, after a hectic and stressful week at work, my TV is not working. I decided to go ahead and drive to my destination, and my daughter noticed I was having trouble following the GPS directions, and she kept asking me if I was OK. I knew something was not ok with me, but I did not want to scare her, so I embraced myself with strength and made it to my Fiancee location. Upon arrival, I immediately asked to be taken to the nearest Emergency facility as I started to stumble like a drunk man. Everything around me moved like a boat in the Open sea. Upon arrival at the Emergency facility, as my fiancee pulled the car in front of the entrance, I recall a police guard calling for help as he noticed something was wrong with me. Before I knew what was happening, I was rushed to get a CT scan of my brain. When they saw my Blood pressure was  230/130, they discovered that my Brain was bleeding and I had a large hematoma in the right side of my brain due to the hypertensive blood pressure crisis. At that moment, I was rushed to have an emergency Brain surgery, where my surgent was telling my fiancee, daughter, and immediate family members  that my chances of surviving the procedure were less than 7%  

As you can see in the picture I posted here, the December 4, 2022, surgery was invasive. It is a true miracle that I made it that night alive. However, an extraordinary event happened that night; I experienced a near-death event. I did a crossover to a place and reality that was not the one I was experiencing or living all my life. It was the most incredible event of my life. Even almost 18 months later, the experience is imprinted in my memory and soul as it happened just days ago.  This experience gave me an insight I can only describe as empowering and awakening.  If humanity could experience what I did as a collective consciousness, the world and the reality we have chosen to believe and live in would be different and much more fulfilling.  During my visit to this heavenly reality, I experienced peace and unconditional love that I can best describe as not from this world reality. The experience did prepare me for what was about to unfold in my journey to recovery and the rest of my life on this planet. During my clinical recovery, I experienced many aha moments that helped me to overcome and endure the process of healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The first aha experience came to me in the solitude of my hospital bed as I was trying to make sense of what took place and how I got there. One morning, as I was in recovery mode from a very invasive brain surgery, a sudden inner voice whispered a message. It was as if my soul was trying to get my attention, and in a very loving and caring tone, I heard, Sorry we had to get your attention like this. Before my stroke, I was living a very stressful lifestyle as I was trying to keep up with a very demanding job, mixed with the emotional and financial—baggage from a prior divorce.  I was an organic pressure cooker.  As I am lying down in my bed and reflecting on what the voice was saying, I realize that the stroke event was a way to get my life back again and the opportunity to experience a reset moment to become aware and mindfully of what was truly important and what was not. While I am coming to this aha moment, I also hear the voice saying if we have not done this, you would have died later from a heart attack.  It was a big awakening for me to hear and experience what, at that moment, I was made aware of. I knew that the message I was given was valid because I was carrying with me so much toxic emotional baggage from all my life experiences and traumas going as far back as early childhood and into my adult life. My soul was so intoxicated with all these unfinished businesses that it weighed me down with anger, resentment, and the pain of unworthiness. As I came to this realization, I understood clearly the cross-over experience and what I saw and felt. 

Since my stroke experience and recovery journey, I have dedicated my energy to embracing a holistic lifestyle and a new career in recovery mindfulness therapies as a Reiki, frequency, and sound holistic practitioner, as you can see on my website, the eureka I was inspired to make this shift in my life after seeing so many stroke victims from all walks of life, genders, and age groups during my recovery at the rehab center.  It was an eye-opening experience to see how our conventional way of living and what we have come to accept and believe as our way of pursuing happiness has crippled our opportunities to experience a quality of life that is healthy for our mind, body, and soul while we are here in this world. The fundamental perception that we need to be engaged in a rat race or an emotional treadmill pursuing what we have come to buy into, from the need to fulfill everyone's expectations for us to feel worthy of the acceptance of others or our Ego. According to the CDC, MORE Than 79500 people have a stroke each year, and about 137,00 die, making this experience the fifth leading cause of death and long-term disability in the United States.  These statistics should be alarming enough for everyone to look at how they can prevent becoming part of these horrible stats.

 Reach out to me here for information on how you can avoid this and enjoy a better quality of life with your loved ones for years to come. I promise to share my experience and techniques for managing a stroke-free lifestyle with a prevention program. If interested, email me at [email protected]



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